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Título: Relationships between competence, fixed mindset, and grades in high school students
Autores/as: Ruiz Alfonso, Zuleica 
León González-Vélez, Jaime José 
Núñez Alonso, Juan Luis 
Mahbubani Premchand, Luis 
Clasificación UNESCO: 580206 Análisis, realización de modelos y planificación estadística
580106 Evaluación de alumnos
Palabras clave: Mindsets
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Conferencia: 14th European Congress of Psychology
Resumen: Does competence and a fixed mindset predicts grades? Competence in the educational context, the feeling of being able to meet the school demands, has received a lot of attention from researchers, due to its effect on several outcomes such as performance, wellbeing or positive emotions. As well, research on students belief about the nature of intelligence, that is thinking that it is a fixed entity (fixed mindset) or believing in it as malleable aspect (growth mindset), has been proved useful in the academic context. In this study we tested a model by using structural equation modeling to check if feeling that one meet the school challenge´s and think that intelligence is not a fix entity predicts grades. A total of 1966 students (51% males) from seven high schools took part in this study. The fit indices were χ2 (1965, 25) = 195.391 (p < 0.001), RMSEA = .059 (.051, .067), CFI = .982 and TLI = .974. Grades were predicted by competence β = .317 (.264, .370) and by holding a fixed entity theory of intelligence β = -.175 (-.227,-.124). In conclusion, students would get better academic performance if they believe that are capable of handling school demands and believe that intelligence is not fixed, but is amenable to individual variation. Thus, it seems important to develop and test the efficacy of school programs to support student’s competence and a growth mindset.
Fuente: 14th European Congress of Psychology
Colección:Actas de congresos
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