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Título: Parasympathetic neural activity accounts for the lowering of exercise heart rate at high altitude
Autores/as: Boushel, R.
Calbet, JAL 
Radegran, Goran
Sondergaard, H.
Wagner, P.D.
Saltin, Bengt
Clasificación UNESCO: 241106 Fisiología del ejercicio
Palabras clave: Hypoxia
Cardiac output
Heart rate
Fecha de publicación: 2001
Publicación seriada: Circulation (New York, N.Y.) 
Resumen: BACKGROUND: In chronic hypoxia, both heart rate (HR) and cardiac output (Q) are reduced during exercise. The role of parasympathetic neural activity in lowering HR is unresolved, and its influence on Q and oxygen transport at high altitude has never been studied. METHODS AND RESULTS: HR, Q, oxygen uptake, mean arterial pressure, and leg blood flow were determined at rest and during cycle exercise with and without vagal blockade with glycopyrrolate in 7 healthy lowlanders after 9 weeks' residence at >/=5260 m (ALT). At ALT, glycopyrrolate increased resting HR by 80 bpm (73+/-4 to 153+/-4 bpm) compared with 53 bpm (61+/-3 to 114+/-6 bpm) at sea level (SL). During exercise at ALT, glycopyrrolate increased HR by approximately 40 bpm both at submaximal (127+/-4 to 170+/-3 bpm; 118 W) and maximal (141+/-6 to 180+/-2 bpm) exercise, whereas at SL, the increase was only by 16 bpm (137+/-6 to 153+/-4 bpm) at 118 W, with no effect at maximal exercise (181+/-2 bpm). Despite restoration of maximal HR to SL values, glycopyrrolate had no influence on Q, which was reduced at ALT. Breathing FIO(2)=0.55 at peak exercise restored Q and power output to SL values. CONCLUSIONS: Enhanced parasympathetic neural activity accounts for the lowering of HR during exercise at ALT without influencing Q. The abrupt restoration of peak exercise Q in chronic hypoxia to maximal SL values when arterial PO(2) and SO(2) are similarly increased suggests hypoxia-mediated attenuation of Q.
ISSN: 0009-7322
Fuente: Circulation[ISSN 0009-7322],v. 104 (15), p. 1785-1791
Parasympathetic neural activity accounts for the lowering of exercise heart rate at high altitude
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