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Title: Global Perspectives on Observing Ocean Boundary Current Systems
Authors: Todd, Robert E.
Chavez, Francisco P.
Clayton, Sophie
Cravatte, Sophie
Goes, Marlos
Greco, Michelle
Ling, Xiaopei
Sprintall, Janet
Zilberman, Nathalie, V
Archer, Matthew
Aristegui, Javier 
Balmaseda, Magdalena
Bane, John M.
Baringer, Molly O.
Barth, John A.
Beal, Lisa M.
Brandt, Peter
Calil, Paulo H. R.
Campos, Edmo
Centurioni, Luca R.
Chidichimo, Maria Paz
Cirano, Mauro
Cronin, Meghan F.
Curchitser, Enrique N.
Davis, Russ E.
Dengler, Marcus
deYoung, Brad
Dong, Shenfu
Escribano, Ruben
Fassbender, Andrea J.
Fawcett, Sarah E.
Feng, Ming
Goni, Gustavo J.
Gray, Alison R.
Gutierrez, Dimitri
Hebert, Dave
Hummels, Rebecca
Ito, Shin-ichi
Krug, Marjorlaine
Lacan, Francois
Laurindo, Lucas
Lazar, Alban
Lee, Craig M.
Lengaigne, Matthieu
Levine, Naomi M.
Middleton, John
Montes, Ivonne
Muglia, Mike
Nagai, Takeyoshi
Palevsky, Hilary, I
Palter, Jaime B.
Phillips, Helen E.
Piola, Alberto
Plueddemann, Albert J.
Qiu, Bo
Rodrigues, Regina R.
Roughan, Moninya
Rudnick, Daniel L.
Rykaczewski, Ryan R.
Saraceno, Martin
Seim, Harvey
Sen Gupta, Alex
Shannon, Lynne
Sloyan, Bernadette M.
Sutton, Adrienne J.
Thompson, LuAnne
van der Plas, Anja K.
Volkov, Denis
Wilkin, John
Zhang, Dongxiao
Zhang, Linlin
UNESCO Clasification: 2510 Oceanografía
Keywords: East Australian Current
California Current System
Meridional Overturning Circulation
Sea-Surface Temperature
Humboldt Current System, et al
Issue Date: 2019
Journal: Frontiers in Marine Science 
Abstract: Ocean boundary current systems are key components of the climate system, are home to highly productive ecosystems, and have numerous societal impacts. Establishment of a global network of boundary current observing systems is a critical part of ongoing development of the Global Ocean Observing System. The characteristics of boundary current systems are reviewed, focusing on scientific and societal motivations for sustained observing. Techniques currently used to observe boundary current systems are reviewed, followed by a census of the current state of boundary current observing systems globally. The next steps in the development of boundary current observing systems are considered, leading to several specific recommendations.
ISSN: 2296-7745
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00423
Source: Frontiers In Marine Science [2296-7745], v. 6, 423
Appears in Collections:Reseña
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