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Title: Los años desconocidos de Maud Bonneaud
Other Titles: The unknown years of Maud Bonneaud
Authors: Alemán, Angeles 
UNESCO Clasification: 5501 Biografías
620307 Pintura
Keywords: Maud Westerdahl (1921-1991)
Crítica del arte
Correspondencia particular
Issue Date: 2018
Journal: Revista de Historia Canaria 
Abstract: La figura de Maud Westerdahl (1921-1991) es conocida desde 1955, cuando se instala en Tenerife y adopta el apellido de su segundo marido, el crítico de arte Eduardo Westerdahl. Sin embargo, los años anteriores de su vida, significativos e importantes en relación con el Surrealismo, quedaron olvidados por deseo propio y por la sociedad de la época. La investigación de su historia nos ha conducido a descubrir la importancia real de esta mujer extraordinaria, artista, crítica de arte y activista cultural, usando textos publicados e inéditos de la propia Maud, su correspondencia privada con personajes de la época como André Breton y otros documentos inéditos
Maud Westerdahl (1921-1991) was quite well known since 1955, when she got married with her second husband, the critic of Art Eduardo Westerdahl, and moved to Tenerife. However, the former years of her life, which were significant and important in relation to Surrealism, were forgotten, probably by her own decision and because of the society of this time. The research done about Maud Bonneaud has given us the image of an extraordinary woman, critic of art and artist. We have too discovered the correspondence she had with some of the most relevant people of her time, such as André Breton, and well as another unpublished texts.
ISSN: 0213-9472
Source: Revista de Historia Canaria [ISSN 0213-9472], n. 200, p. 31-44
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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