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Título: The date palm with blue dates Phoenix senegalensis André (Arecaceae): A horticultural enigma is solved
Autores/as: Rivera, Diego
Alcaraz, Francisco
Egea, Teresa
Laguna, Emilio
Saro, Isabel 
Sosa, Pedro A. 
Obón, Concepción 
Carreño, Encarna 
Clasificación UNESCO: 241714 Genética vegetal
Palabras clave: Canarian date palm
Phoenix P. canariensis
P. senegalensis
P. canariensis var. porphyrococca
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Editor/a: 0304-4238
Proyectos: Determinacion de la Estructuracion y Flujo Genetico de Las Poblaciones Naturales de la Palmera Canaria y Grado de Introgresion Con Taxones Afines en Canarias, Mediante Marcadores Moleculares 
Publicación seriada: Scientia Horticulturae 
Resumen: This study aimed to determine the status, origins and relationships of the Phoenix date palm with bluish dates, which is cultivated in gardens and parks and known as Phoenix senegalensis or P. canariensis “Porphyrocarpa”, with other Phoenix species. On one hand, a total of 98 descriptive characters and 398 states related with ecological preferences, phenology and plant morphology, were used to assess the relationships among 11 samples of P. senegalensis from Spain, France, Italy and Portugal with 61 samples that represent ten Phoenix species: P. reclinata, P. pusilla, P. caespitosa, P. sylvestris, P. atlantica, P. theophrasti, P. iberica, P. abyssinica, P. canariensis and P. dactylifera. Also, some hybrids were included such as P. sylvestris × P. dactylifera, P. canariensis × P. dactylifera, P. reclinata × P. dactylifera and P. canariensis × P. reclinata. On the other hand, the genetic relationship was evaluated comparing eight microsatellite loci of 7 samples of P. senegalensis from Spain, France, Italy and Portugal with 308 specimens of P. canariensis, collected from natural populations of five different islands of the Canarian archipelago, together with 40 individuals of P. dactylifera collected from different cultivars of Marrakech (Morocco). Considering the analyzed evidences, the date palms with bluish red fruits traditionally called as P. senegalensis, which is cultivated in gardens of Europe at least from the nineteenth century, is considered part of the variability of P. canariensis H. Wildpret which is useful for ornamental horticulture.
ISSN: 0304-4238
DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2014.10.010
Fuente: Scientia Horticulturae [ISSN 0304-4238], v. 180, p. 236-242
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