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Título: Prediction of Water Activity of San Simón Cheese
Autores/as: Marcos, A.
Esteban, M. A.
Alcalá, M.
Millán, R. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3109 Ciencias veterinarias
3309 Tecnología de los alimentos
Fecha de publicación: 1983
Editor/a: 0022-0302
Publicación seriada: Journal of Dairy Science 
Resumen: In San Simón cheese water activity was highly related to moisture content and, consequently, to the aqueous concentration of many solid components. The following linear regression equations aw = .7662 + .0046 g moisture/100 g cheese, and aw = 1.0234 - .0070 g ash/100 g moisture, as well as a simple nomograph based on both chemical parameters, was used to predict water activity of San Simón cheese with an absolute error not greater than ± .01 often found in measurements of water activity by different methods.
ISSN: 0022-0302
DOI: 10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(83)81875-X
Fuente: Journal of Dairy Science [ISSN 0022-0302], v. 66 (4), p. 909-911
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