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Título: Benchmarking en cirugía torácica. Tercera edición
Otros títulos: Benchmarking in Thoracic Surgery. Third Edition
Autores/as: Freixinet Gilart, Jorge 
Varela Simó, Gonzalo
Rodríguez Suárez, Pedro 
Embún Flor, Raúl
Rivas de Andrés, Juan José
de la Torre Bravos, Mercedes
Molins López-Rodó, Laureano
Pac Ferrer, Joaquín
Izquierdo Elena, José Miguel
Baschwitz, Benno
López de Castro, Pedro E.
Fibla Alfara, Juan José
Hernando Trancho, Florentino
Carvajal Carrasco, Ángel
Canalís Arrayás, Emili
Salvatierra Velázquez, Ángel
Canela Cardona, Mercedes
Torres Lanzas, Juan
Moreno Mata, Nicolás
Clasificación UNESCO: 3205 Medicina interna
3213 Cirugía
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: Archivos de Bronconeumologia 
Resumen: Introduction: Benchmarking entails continuous comparison of efficacy and quality among products and activities, with the primary objective of achieving excellence. Objective: To analyze the results of benchmarking performed in 2013 on clinical practices undertaken in 2012 in 17 Spanish thoracic surgery units.Methods: Study data were obtained from the basic minimum data set for hospitalization, registered in 2012. Data from hospital discharge reports were submitted by the participating groups, but staff from the corresponding departments did not intervene in data collection. Study cases all involved hospital discharges recorded in the participating sites. Episodes included were respiratory surgery (Major Diagnostic Category 04, Surgery), and those of the thoracic surgery unit. Cases were labelled using codes from the International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, Clinical Modification. The refined diagnosis-related groups classification was used to evaluate differences in severity and complexity of cases.Results: General parameters (number of cases, mean stay, complications, readmissions, mortality, and activity) varied widely among the participating groups. Specific interventions (lobectomy, pneumonectomy, atypical resections, and treatment of pneumothorax) also varied widely.Conclusions: As in previous editions, practices among participating groups varied considerably. Some areas for improvement emerge: admission processes need to be standardized to avoid urgent admissions and to improve pre-operative care; hospital discharges should be streamlined and discharge reports improved by including all procedures and complications. Some units have parameters which deviate excessively from the norm, and these sites need to review their processes in depth. Coding of diagnoses and comorbidities is another area where improvement is needed. (C) 2015 SEPAR. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0300-2896
DOI: 10.1016/j.arbres.2015.09.014
Fuente: Archivos de Bronconeumologia[ISSN 0300-2896],v. 52(4), p. 204-210
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