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Título: Detection of IgE specific for egg yolk by enzyme immunoassay. Description of a case
Autores/as: Carrillo Díaz, T. 
Cuevas Agustín, M.
Moneo Goiri, I.
Ibáñez Sandín, M. D.
Ureña Vilardell, V.
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
320701 Alergias
Palabras clave: Egg yolk
Food hypersensitivity
Immunoglobulin E
Fecha de publicación: 1986
Publicación seriada: Allergologia et Immunopathologia 
Resumen: Food allergy is a common disease in our country, especially affecting atopic children. Egg-white hypersensitivity is frequently found in these patients. However, egg-yolk hypersensitivity is not usually reported in patients with egg allergy. This article describes a young patient with egg-yolk hypersensitivity, a 12 year old female patient with a medical history of contact urticaria, angioedema and severe acute bronchospasm shortly after the intake of small amounts of egg-yolk. All these episodes required treatment in emergency care units because of the severity of the symptoms. The patient did not describe any other food hypersensitivity and remained symptom-free after the intake of boiled or fried egg-white. She had clinical symptoms of grass pollen hypersensitivity and was therefore on specific immunotherapy at the time of the study. The skin prick-tests were positive to grass pollen and egg-yolk and were negative to mites, moulds, animal dander and to the common food tested (milk, fish, peanut, almond and hazel-nut). Total serum IgE was 1.160 UL/ml. The patient had a positive RAST to egg-white (0.0 PRU/ml) as well as to egg-yolk (8.6 PRU/ml). Furthermore, an indirect enzyme immunoassay as well as a reverse enzyme immunoassay also revealed the presence of specific IgE antibodies. The reverse enzyme immunoassay uses microtiter plates as a solid surface. These plates are coated with a monospecific antihuman IgE antibody. Thereafter, the serum samples are incubated overnight in the wells. After several washings, the presence of specific antibodies is revealed by means of a peroxidase conjugated allergen.
ISSN: 0301-0546
Fuente: Allergologia et immunopathologia[ISSN 0301-0546],v. 14(1), p. 9-14 (Enero-febrero 1986)
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