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Título: Reliability of jumping performance in active men and women under different stretch loading conditions
Autores/as: Arteaga Ortiz, Rafael Ángel 
Dorado, C. 
Chavarren, J. 
Calbet, J. A L 
Clasificación UNESCO: 241106 Fisiología del ejercicio
Palabras clave: Stretch-shortening cycle
Vertical jump
Physical fitness
Fecha de publicación: 2000
Editor/a: 0022-4707
Publicación seriada: Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 
Resumen: To determine the reliability of squatting jumps (SJ), counter-movement jumps (CMJ) and drop jumps (DJ) tests, as well as the reliability of the optimal dropping height during drop jumping. METHODS: Jumping performance was assessed in 8 male and 9 female physical education students. Their age, weight and height (mean +/- SD) were 23.9 +/- 2.1 years, 72.0 +/- 12.1 kg, 174.3 +/- 10.4 cm, and 23.1 +/- 2.0 years, 54.8 +/- 4.9 kg, 160.1 +/- 5.0 cm for the males and females, respectively. The jumping performance was determined on six different testing days. On each testing day, squatting jumps (SJ) and counter-movement jumps (CMJ) were performed as well as drop jumps (DJ) from heights between 20 and 100 cm. The dropping height given the maximum attained height was registered as the optimal dropping height (ODH). After a 15 min rest period, a 30 sec hopping test (HT) was performed and the mean height attained (MHT) as well as the number of jumps executed (NHT) were recorded. The height attained was computed from the flight time, which was measured with a digital timer (+/- 0.001 sec) connected to a resistive platform. RESULTS: The pooled coefficients of variation in percentage were 5.4 (SJ), 6.3 (CMJ), 6.2 (DJ), 31.9 (ODH), 3.1 (NHT) and 6.7 (MHT). A parabolic relationship between dropping height and attained height was found (r = 0.39-0.43, p < 0.001). The ODH was 48.2 +/- 14.0 cm and 62.9 +/- 21.3 cm for females and males, respectively (p < 0.05). Multiple regression analysis showed than ODH can be predicted from the SJ with a standard error of 9 cm. CONCLUSIONS: The variability of the assessment of jumping performance is similar to that reported for other variables used in the assessment of physical fitness. In contrast, the assessment of the optimal dropping height is less reliable.
ISSN: 0022-4707
Fuente: Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness[ISSN 0022-4707],v. 40, p. 26-34
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