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Título: Reconsidering the gold open access citation advantage postulate in a multidisciplinary context: an analysis of the subject categories in the Web of Science database 2009-2014
Autores/as: Dorta González, Pablo 
González Betancor, Sara María 
Dorta González, María Isabel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 570106 Documentación
Palabras clave: Open access
Citation advantage
Gold open access prevalence
Citation impact
Journal visibility
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Publicación seriada: Scientometrics 
Resumen: Since Lawrence in 2001 proposed the open access (OA) citation advantage, the potential benefit of OA has been discussed in depth. However, conclusions are not entirely consistent among fields. In this study, a longitudinal and multidisciplinary analysis of the gold OA citation advantage is developed. All research articles in all journals for all subject categories in the Web of Science database are considered (1,137,634 articles - 86,712 OA articles (7.6%) and 1,050,922 non-OA articles (92.4%) - published in 2009). At journal level, we also study the evolution of journal impact factors in those disciplines whose OA prevalence is higher. As the main conclusion, there is no generalizable gold OA citation advantage, neither at article nor at journal level.
ISSN: 0138-9130
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-017-2422-y
Fuente: Scientometrics [ISSN 0138-9130], v. 112 (2), p. 877-901
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