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Título: Experimental simulation of bransfield current (Antarctica) in a rotating tank
Autores/as: Hernández-Arencibia, Mónica 
Marrero Díaz, Ángeles 
Sangrà, Pablo
Gordo Rojas, María Carmen 
Rodríguez Santana, Ángel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 251007 Oceanografía física
120326 Simulación
Palabras clave: Corrientes marinas
Estrecho de Bransfield
Modelo experimental
Fecha de publicación: 2007
Conferencia: Simposio Internacional de Ciencias del Mar (ISMS07) 
Resumen: The aim of this work is to simulate the currents system of the Central Basin of Bransfield Strait (Antarctica) to verify the validity of the hypothesis of which this currents system behaves as a system of gravity currents between two types of water, the Transitional Zonal Water with Bellingshausen influence (TBW) and the Transitional Zonal Water with Weddell Sea influence (TWW), that enter in contact in the first 500 meters of the water column. Bransfield Strait is surrounded by sills shallower than 500m; that restricts the flow of deep water from Drake Passage and Weddell Sea. Nevertheless, the water of Drake Passage enters Bransfield Strait from deep gaps between the islands Brabant and Smith remaining near the South Shetland Islands. The relatively saline and cold water in Bransfield comes from the shelf of the Weddell Sea and flows towards the west about the top of the Antarctic Peninsula. Bransfield Current simulated in this work is an intense current that circulates along the northeastern margin of Bransfield Strait. In the experimental simulations we have obtained results qualitatively comparables to the information in situ obtained by other authors, and the features of Bransfield Current that appear described in the references consulted are also reproduced.
Fuente: Simposio Internacional de Ciencias del Mar. Simposio GLOBEC-IMBER España, Valencia, del 28 al 31 de marzo de 2007, L'Oceanogràphic : libro de resúmenes = Books of abstracts, pp. 110
Colección:Actas de congresos
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