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Título: Biomechanics in young and adult italian standardbred trotter horses in real racing conditions
Autores/as: Vilar, J. M. 
Spadari, A.
Billi, V.
Desini, V.
Santana, A. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 240401 Bioestadística
Palabras clave: Kinematics
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Editor/a: 0165-7380
Publicación seriada: Veterinary Research Communications 
Resumen: This study was undertaken to characterize and establish the kinematic standards of Italian standardbred trotter horses in real racing conditions. Certain parameters, such as the angles of both front and hind fetlock joints, stride length, stride frequency and average speed in youngs and adults are presented, examinated and compared with statistical tests. The angles and stride length were obtained using ONTRACK (R) software over frames extracted from two CANON (R) MV630i digital videocameras. For the stride frequency, a third identical videocamera filmed the horses to count the number of beats per minute. The average speed was calculated by multiplying the stride frequency by the stride length and transforming the result into kilometers per hour. The data reveal that as speed increases, younger horses have more extended fetlock joints than adults. Contrary to this, at the maximum speed (hereafter referred to as sprint speed) the adults increase both their stride frequency and stride length, while young horses increase stride frequency and decrease stride length. We think that the knowledge of these parameters in competition breeds could have potential relevance as they may reveal early indicators of the development of proper and adequate characteristics in young horses of those breeds.
ISSN: 0165-7380
DOI: 10.1007/s11259-008-9043-0
Fuente: Veterinary Research Communications[ISSN 0165-7380],v. 32 (5), p. 367-376
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