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Título: Nutritive value of triticale fed to cockerels and chicks
Autores/as: Flores Mengual, María Pastora 
McNab, James M. 
Castañón Rodríguez, José Ignacio 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3104 Producción Animal
310406 Nutrición
310906 Nutrición
Palabras clave: Triticale
Amino acid
Chemical composition
Nutritive value, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 1994
Editor/a: 0007-1668
Publicación seriada: British poultry science (Print) 
Resumen: 1. The chemical composition, and amino acid and starch bioavailabilities of 18 triticale varieties were studied. In addition, the water soluble pentosan (WSP) content of 8 varieties was determined. 2. A wide variation in protein (149 to 203 g/kg DM), starch (563 to 629 g/kg DM) and WSP (27·7 to 50·9 g/kg DM) was found between varieties. 3. The TMEn reproductibility was assessed in two laboratories, using Leghorn cockerels, Isabrown cockerels and 3-week-old chicks. There were no significant differences in the TMEn values (range 14·0 to 15·2 MJ/kg DM) between the two types of cockerel. The TMEn values of the varieties were similar for chicks (range 13·6 to 14·9 MJ/kg DM) and for cockerels, with the exception of one variety. 4. The bioavailability of starch (range 96·5 to 99·4%) of some varieties was higher for cockerels than for chicks. The mean bioavailability of amino acids for cockerels was 94·5%. 5. TMEn prediction equations were derived from the chemical composition of the varieties. Best-fit equations were obtained for starch (R2= 0·62, RSD = 0·24), ash (R2= 0·58, RSD = 0·25) and WSP (R2= 0·52, RSD = 0·27).
ISSN: 0007-1668
DOI: 10.1080/00071669408417718
Fuente: British Poultry Science [ISSN 0007-1668], v. 35, p. 527-536
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