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Título: Identification and parametric adjustment of a three-phase induction machine with genetic algorithms
Otros títulos: Identificación y ajuste paramétrico de una máquina trifásica de inducción magnética usando algoritmos genéticos
Autores/as: Simón, Leopoldo
Monzón, José M. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3306 Ingeniería y tecnología eléctricas
Palabras clave: Elementos finitos
Análisis en frecuencia
Parámetros identificativos
Algoritmos genéticos
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Editor/a: 0716-8756
Publicación seriada: Informacion Tecnologica 
Resumen: In this paper the finite element method is applied to the analysis of a three-phase magnetic induction motor squirrel-cage. Different geometries have been applied in the design of the rotor. These geometric variations of the rotor create an electromagnetic profile for each type of geometry. To study the rotor motion, a frequency analysis of the model has been done. The identifying parameters deduced from the finite element method, are adjusted by evolutionary genetic algorithms. Thus, the parameters in the circuit model were identified for each geometry under consideration. A check of the torque was done to validate the model, verifying the accuracy of the method.
ISSN: 0716-8756
DOI: 10.1612/inf.tecnol.4379bit.09
Fuente: Información Tecnológica [ISSN 0716-8756], v. 21 (3), p. 105-114
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