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Título: Assessment of beverage intake and hydration status
Autores/as: Nissensohn, Mariela 
López-Ufano, Marisa
Castro-Quezada, Itandehui 
Serra-Majem, Lluis 
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Editor/a: 0212-1611
Publicación seriada: Nutrición Hospitalaria 
Resumen: Water is the main constituent of the human body. It is involved in practically all its functions. It is particularly important for thermoregulation and in the physical and cognitive performance. Water balance reflects water intake and loss. Intake of water is done mainly through consumption of drinking water and beverages (70 to 80%) plus water containing foods (20 to 30%). Water loss is mainly due to excretion of water in urine, faeces and sweat.The interest in the type and quantity of beverage consumption is not new, and numerous approaches have been used to assess beverage intake, but the validity of these approaches has not been well established. There is no standardized questionnaire developed as a research tool for the evaluation of water intake in the general population. Sometimes, the information comes from different sources or from different methodological characteristics which raises problems of the comparability. In the European Union, current epidemiological studies that focus exclusively on beverage intake are scarce.Biomarkers of intake are able to objectively assess dietary intake/status without the bias of self-reported dietary intake errors and also overcome the problem of intra-individual diet variability. Furthermore, some methods of measuring dietary intake used biomarkers to validate the data it collects. Biological markers may offer advantages and be able to improve the estimates of dietary intake assessment, which impact into the statistical power of the study. There is a surprising paucity of studies that systematically examine the correlation of beverages intake and hydration biomarker in different populations.A pilot investigation was developed to evaluate the comparative validity and reliability of newly developed interactive multimedia (IMM) versions compared to validated paper-administered (PP) versions of the Hedrick et al. beverage questionnaire. The study showed that the IMM appears to be a valid and reliable measure to assess habitual beverage intake. Similar study was developed in China, but in this case, the use of Smartphone technology was employed for beverage assessment.Conclusion: The methodology for measuring beverage intake in population studies remains controversial. There are few validated and reproducible studies, so there is still lacking an ideal method (ie, short, easy to administer, inexpensive and accurate) in this regard. Clearly, this is an area of scientific interest that is still in development and seems to be very promising for improving health research.
ISSN: 0212-1611
DOI: 10.3305/nh.2015.31.sup3.8753
Fuente: Nutricion Hospitalaria[ISSN 0212-1611],v. 31, p. 62-69
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