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Título: A novel approach to the mathematical modelling of atmospheric corrosion rates from fragmented subtropical environments
Autores/as: Fernández-Pérez, Bibiana M.
Morales, José
Cristina Vasconcelos, H.
Souto, Ricardo M.
González, Sergio
Cano, Víctor
Santana, Juan J. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3308 Ingeniería y tecnología del medio ambiente
Palabras clave: Atmospheric corrosion
Mathematical models
Carbon steel
Fragmented geographical area
Subtropical region
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Publicación seriada: European Journal of Science and Theology 
Resumen: A new mathematical model for the estimation of atmospheric corrosion rates that satisfactorily describes the behaviour of carbon steel in a fragmented subtropical region has been developed. It is a semi-empirical equation that includes a set of qualitative coefficients established from collections at short exposures (typically one year), in addition to environmental parameters, namely duration of exposure, time of wetness, and deposition rate for chloride ions and sulphur dioxide. The validity of the proposed model has been tested by comparing the estimates obtained using this equation with the experimental data collected from 35 outdoor test sites during 3 years. Satisfactory estimates of the corrosion rates matching the majority of the experimental observations for longer exposures were obtained.
ISSN: 1841-0464
Fuente: European Journal of Science and Theology [ISSN 1841-0464], v. 11, p. 241-252
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