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Título: Spectral properties of the binary Hadamard matrices
Autores/as: González, Luis 
Suárez Sarmiento, Antonio Félix 
Clasificación UNESCO: 120110 Algebra lineal
Palabras clave: Hadamard matrix
Symmetric S-matrix
Skew-type S-matrix
Spectral properties, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Proyectos: Integración de Nuevas Metodologías en Simulación de Campos de Viento, Radiación Solar y Calidad Del Aire 
Publicación seriada: Linear and Multilinear Algebra 
Resumen: A binary Hadamard matrix (also called an S-matrix) is an n x n (0,1) -matrix formed by taking an (n + 1 ) x (n + 1) Hadamard matrix in which the entries in the first row and column are +1, changing +1’s +1’s to 0's and -1’s to +1’s , and deleting the first row and column. In this paper, some spectral properties of the binary Hadamard matrices are derived. All singular values and eigenvalues' modulus of an arbitrary S-matrix are obtained. Two special types of binary Hadamard matrices, namely the symmetric and the skew-type ones, are analysed in more detail. In particular, we prove that an S-matrix Sn (regardless of its order n) is of skew type if, and only if, all its eigenvalues different from the largest one (in modulus) are imaginary and have real part 1/2. Finally, the symmetric and skew-symmetric parts of an S-matrix are analysed.
ISSN: 0308-1087
DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2018.1499705
Fuente: Linear & Multilinear Algebra [ISSN 0308-1087], v. 68 (1), p. 113-132, (Enero 2020)
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