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Título: Molecular characterization of biofilms developing in drip irrigation systems operating with reclaimed water in gran Canaria (Spain)
Autores/as: Sanchez, Olga
Garrido, Laura
Aguilar, Luis Fernando Arencibia
Mas, Jordi
Palacios-Diaz, Maria del Pino 
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Publicación seriada: Drip Irrigation: Technology, Management and Efficiency
Resumen: © 2015 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.The traditional scarcity of hydric resources in Spain linked with a growing trend in water demand for applications such as landscaping, gardening or agricultural irrigation is gradually shifting water management practices towards the use of reclaimed water obtained from wastewater treatment plants. From a sustainable point of view, reclaimed water irrigation must be not only sanitary safe, but also should avoid problems in irrigation networks. Drip irrigation allow us to prevent sanitary risk, even when using cheaper and less intensive water treatments. But, on the other hand, this irrigation system is more sensitive to obstruction problems. Most of the problems are related to biofilm formation at the inner surfaces as well as to the points of delivery, and a crucial step for any antifouling strategy is to characterize the microbial communities involved in its development. â
ISBN: 9781634637718
Fuente: Drip Irrigation: Technology, Management and Efficiency, p. 23-42
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