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Título: Benthic cages versus floating cages in Octopus vulgaris: biological performance and biochemical composition feeding on Boops boops discarded from fish farms
Autores/as: Estefanell, J.
Roo Filgueira, Francisco Javier 
Guirao, R.
Izquierdo López, María Soledad 
Socorro, J.
Clasificación UNESCO: 251092 Acuicultura marina
Palabras clave: Octopus
Benthic cages
Aquaculture by-products, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Editor/a: 0144-8609
Proyectos: JACUMAR Spanish National Plans for Aquaculture (‘Optimización del engorde de pulpo Octopus vulgaris’, 2007–2009)
Publicación seriada: Aquacultural Engineering 
Resumen: Some benthic cephalopods are considered potential candidates to diversify marine aquaculture, as they show fast growth and high market price. Most research on cephalopod culture is currently focusing on the development of specific enrichments and compound feeds, while little research has been conducted in order to test new rearing systems for cephalopods. The rigid characteristic of the floating cages commonly used for the ongrowing of Octopus vulgaris has restricted their use to calm water conditions (estuaries and harbors). Such sites are scarce and highly demanded, especially by the tourism industry; therefore the development of O. vulgaris grow out at these locations competes with touristic interests. The present study was set to compare the biological performance of O. vulgaris reared in a benthic cage (2 m2) as opposed to the traditional floating cage (2.5 m2), during two ongrowing trials. Initial rearing density was 10 kg m−3 and octopuses (892 ± 125 g) were fed on bogue Boops boops, discarded from fish farms, for 60–67 days. High growth (1.8–1.9% day−1) and high survival (91–97%) were observed, regardless of the rearing system, and led to best biomass increment (178–212%) and food conversion rates (2.3–2.6) ever recorded for O. vulgaris under industrial rearing conditions. These results underline the adequacy of the benthic cage for the ongrowing of this species, and also the potential of aquaculture discarded fishes, particularly bogue, as a single diet for this species. High growth rates obtained and the high lipid content of bogue (44% dry weight) suggest efficient lipid utilization in this species. Proximate composition and fatty acid profile in octopus muscle was not affected by the rearing system. High dietary lipid content was not reflected in muscle proximate composition, which showed high protein (87% dw) and low lipid content (5% dw) by the end of the experimental period. Farmed octopus showed high levels of n-3 HUFA (42%), which should enhance its value for the consumers.
ISSN: 0144-8609
DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaeng.2012.02.001
Fuente: Aquacultural Engineering [ISSN 0144-8609], v. 49, p. 46-52
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