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Título: The effect of using aggregated output in the economic analysis of cargo handling operations
Autores/as: Jara-Díaz, Sergio R.
Tovar de la Fe, Beatriz Erasmi 
Trujillo Castellano, Lourdes 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531212 Transportes y comunicaciones
Palabras clave: Puertos
Transportes marítimos
Fecha de publicación: 2007
Editor/a: 1431-1933
Publicación seriada: Contributions to Economics 
Resumen: The cargo handling process is associated with specific machines making the type of standardized or compact unit used more important than the type of cargo itself. One of the key aspects of cargo unitization is the inverse correlation between handling capacity and the weight of the standard unit. There are different techniques for unitization. There are pallets, which can be handled by forklift, wheeled platforms maneuvered by truck, cargoes that can be 'rolled on' the vessel in the loading port, and 'rolled off' the vessel in the destination port. The introduction of these new technologies caused the formation of multipurpose port terminals, which are facilities that include infrastructure, equipment and services that take care of loading and unloading of general cargo from/to vessels. Handling general cargo presents complicated operations to a degree where machines are less important than labor.
ISBN: 9783790817645
ISSN: 1431-1933
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-7908-1765-2-7
Fuente: Contributions to Economics[ISSN 1431-1933], p. 97-109
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