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Título: Use of a depot steroid formulation with CHOP-based protocol in the treatment of mediastinal lymphoma in cats
Autores/as: Cartagena Albertus, J. C.
Engel Manchado, J.
Romairone Duarte, A.
Moise, A.
Moya Garcia, S.
Jones, D.
Montoya-Alonso, J. A. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3109 Ciencias veterinarias
Palabras clave: Chemotherapy
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Editor/a: 1728-1997
Publicación seriada: Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research 
Resumen: The aims of this retrospective study were to evaluate the efficacy of different steroid formulations (depot vs oral) and if the continuous administration of steroids throughout and beyond a CHOP protocol might improve the survival time and rate of cats with mediastinal lymphoma. The medical records of client-owned cats diagnosed with mediastinal lymphoma were reviewed at two veterinary referral hospitals in Spain. Cases were recruited from 2008 to 2016. Those cats with mediastinal lymphoma treated with chemotherapy were used in the collection of data including surgical procedures, chemotherapy protocol, side effects, complete remission (CR), partial remission and survival time were calculated from time of diagnosis. The median survival time (MST) of group with depot steroid was 370.7 days and all cats are still alive. The MST of group with oral steroid was 267.9 days. The survival distributions were found to be significantly different. The use of depot injectable steroids with a CHOP-based protocol seems to result in a longer survival time in patients with mediastinal lymphoma when comparing the survival distribution for those receiving oral steroids with a CHOP-based protocol. Prospective studies with a higher number of cats are warranted to investigate the utility of injectable steroids depot with a CHOP-based protocol in the treatment of mediastinal lymphoma.
ISSN: 1728-1997
DOI: 10.22099/ijvr.2018.4861
Fuente: Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research [ISSN 1728-1997], v. 19 (2), p. 137-143
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