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Título: Phytosociological review of psammophilous vegetation of the Canary Islands
Autores/as: Salas-Pascual, M. 
Hernández-Cordero, A. I. 
Quintana-Vega, G.
Fernández-Negrín, E. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 241715 Desarrollo vegetal
2511 Ciencias del suelo (Edafología)
250501 Biogeografía
Palabras clave: Dune vegetation
Canary Islands
Psammophytic vegetation
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Publicación seriada: Annali di Botanica 
Resumen: To date, over 25 syntaxa have been described for the Canarian vegetation to integrate plant communities related to the presence of sand on the substrate to a greater or lesser degree. These plant communities have been located in different phytosociological classes, depending on the analyses by different authors. In this paper, a review of all these plant communities is conducted primarily by analysing the appropriateness of using certain species as characteristic of this type of vegetation. Finally, a syntaxonomical catalogue is presented in which both plant communities described so far are integrated and which seems to be valid to explain this type of vegetation on the Canary Islands, as others plant communities have been described as novelties and integrate ecotone situations between different types of vegetation and psammophilous plant communities. The Launaeo arborescentis-Schizogynetum glaberrimae association, which integrates arid nitrophilous scrubland of south Gran Canaria is described. For the Launaeo arborescentis-Schizogynetum glaberrimae association and for associations Plocametum pendulae and Atriplici ifniensis-Tamaricetum canariensis, psammophilous subassociations are defined by the presence of psammophytic species.
ISSN: 0365-0812
DOI: 10.4462/annbotrm-14150
Fuente: Annali di Botanica[ISSN 0365-0812],v. 8, p. 25-44
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