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Título: Propuesta para un proyecto de evaluación de stocks de camarón de profundidad en aguas de Cabo Verde (2010-2013)
Autores/as: González Pérez, José Antonio 
Tariche, O.
Santana Morales, José Ignacio
Clasificación UNESCO: 251092 Acuicultura marina
Palabras clave: Stock-assessment
Plesionika edwardsii
Cape Verde Islands
Fecha de publicación: 2011
Resumen: A bibliographic revision on the fisheries research in the Canary, Madeira, and the Azores Islands related to stock assessment of the striped soldier shrimp (Plesionika edwardsii) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Pandalidae) was made. Biological information –reproduction, growth, mortality, recruitment– of the target species, selective technological developments –multiple semi-floating shrimp traps–, and know-how gained by the ICCM can give support to elaborate and execute an ICCM-INDP joint project, in order to explore and assess its insular stocks in the Capeverdian deepwaters (150-300 m). In the frame of the UE Trans-national Cooperation Programme MAC (2007- 2013), the next coming call for proposals seems to be an adequate source to fund it. This project should include some activities for the valorisation and promotion of this new shellfish product, as well as for scientific-technical and social divulgation, and for giving advice to the decision-makers. Lastly, with the aim of developing a new fishing activity in the Cape Verdes on a responsible and sustainable basis, authors have scheduled a second study phase. This should consist of a process of technology transfer, followed by an experimental fishing pilot project including a study on biological and commercial viability with the participation of the Capeverdian fishing sector.
Fuente: Trabalhos apresentados na VIII Reunião Ordinária do Conselho Científico, Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento das Pescas, en São Vicente, 7 novembro, 2008, p. 143-153
Derechos: by-nc-nd
Colección:Actas de congresos
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