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Título: Comparison of the hatching success between translocated nests and “in situ” nests according to the type of substrate and the floods due to the tide.
Autores/as: García-Carcel, María
López-Jurado, Luis Felipe 
Clasificación UNESCO: 24 Ciencias de la vida
2401 Biología animal (zoología)
240116 Herpetología
Fecha de publicación: 2005
Resumen: A new nesting colony of Caretta caretta has recently been discovered and described in Boavista (Cabo Verde, Western Africa, FIGURE 1). Although more data are needed, it represents one of the most important populations in the North Atlantic (Brongersma, 1982; ; Ross, 1995; López-Jurado & Andreu, 1998). A tagging and management campaign has been established in Boavista to study this nesting population since 1998.
Fuente: 21st Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA, 2001. Pag 130-132
Colección:Actas de congresos
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