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Título: A method based on GIS techniques to assess renewable energy self-consumption capacity. A case study
Autores/as: Santana Sarmiento, Francisco Jesús 
Velázquez Medina, Sergio Leandro 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3322 Tecnología energética
3308 Ingeniería y tecnología del medio ambiente
Palabras clave: Renewable energy for self-consumption
Distributed electricity generation
Sustainable energy policies
GIS techniques
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Proyectos: ACLIEMAC
Publicación seriada: Energy 
Resumen: The exploitation of renewables through energy self-consumption installations is one of the key strategies for the decarbonisation of energy systems and the promotion of distributed electricity generation. Wind and solar photovoltaic energy are two of the renewable sources commonly used to generate electricity for self-consumption. One of the key limitations in the exploitation of medium-large scale wind and solar photovoltaic installations is their compatibility with the geographical characteristics of the territory. In this paper, a method has been developed using GIS techniques to precisely identify the optimal locations that maximise the energy yield of such installations for electrical energy self-consumption. In the implementation of the method, criteria related to the topographical characteristics of the terrain (slope, orientation and shading, etc.), to the energy potential (capacity factor, etc.), and to logistical questions are jointly considered. The method is applied to a case study on the island of Gran Canaria (Spain). The results derived from the application of the method show the importance of detailed consideration of the topographical characteristics. This aspect is even more important in regions/countries with limited availability of useful territory for these types of installations, and is therefore key in the elaboration of energy planning strategies.
ISSN: 0360-5442
DOI: 10.1016/
Fuente: Energy [ISSN 0360-5442], v. 305, 132246
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