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Título: Phoenix ×arehuquensis nov. hybr. (Arecaceae): The hybrid of P. canariensis × P. reclinata in garden and forest
Autores/as: Obón, Concepción
Sosa Henríquez, Pedro Antonio 
Alcaraz, Francisco
Saro Hernandez,Isabel 
Martínez-Rico, Manuel
Laguna, Emilio
Ferrer-Gallego, Pedro Pablo
Johnson, Dennis
Pérez De Paz,Pedro Luis 
Rivera, Diego
Clasificación UNESCO: 2417 Biología vegetal (botánica)
Palabras clave: Arecaceae
Ornamental Species
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Proyectos: Determinacion de la Estructuraciony Flujo Genetico de Las Poblaciones Naturales de la Palmera Canariay Grado de Introgresion Con Taxones Afines en Canarias, Mediante Marcadores Moleculares 
Evaluación de la Hibridación de la Palmera Canaria Phoenix Canariensis H. Wildpret en Gran Canaria: Una Aproximación Del Individuo Al Paisajey Su Respuesta Al Cambio Climático 
Publicación seriada: South African Journal of Botany 
Resumen: Phoenix reclinata Jacq. is a palm species native to tropical and southern Africa, extending to Madagascar, where its natural populations are exploited for sap and fibre. Widely embraced as an ornamental palm in gardens within warm zones abroad, it has established itself as an integral part of horticultural landscapes. On the other hand, Phoenix canariensis H. Wildpret is an endemic species found in the Canary Islands (Spain), forming extensive palm forests. Since the 1850s, it has emerged as the predominant ornamental Phoenix palm tree. Interestingly, in various regions, the natural habitat of one species intersects with cultivated individuals of the other. For instance, in southern Africa, where P. reclinata is indigenous and P. canariensis is exotic, occasional spontaneous hybrids have been reported. These hybrids have also been observed in Florida and California (USA), where both species are cultivated. In this publication, we formally introduce a new hybrid: Phoenix ×arehuquensis nov. hybr., originating from the Canary Islands. Additionally, we explore its potential impact on natural palm forests.
ISSN: 0254-6299
DOI: 10.1016/j.sajb.2024.02.055
Fuente: South African Journal of Botany[ISSN 0254-6299],v. 168, p. 124-129, (Mayo 2024)
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actualizado el 07-sep-2024

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