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Título: Non-linear behaviour of soil–pile interaction phenomena and its effect on the seismic response of OWT pile foundations. Validity range of a linear approach through non-degraded soil properties
Autores/as: Rodríguez Galván, Eduardo 
Álamo Meneses, Guillermo Manuel 
Aznárez González, Juan José 
Maeso Fortuny, Orlando Fco 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3305 Tecnología de la construcción
330411 Diseño de sistemas de calculo
Palabras clave: Soil–pile interaction
Non-linear analysis
Inelastic behaviour
Offshore wind turbines
Beam on dynamic, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: Computers and Geotechnics 
Resumen: The effect of non-linear and inelastic behaviour of the soil–pile interaction on the seismic response of offshore wind turbine pile foundations embedded in sandy soils is analysed. For this purpose, the responses obtained assuming three different Beam on Dynamic Winkler Foundation (BDWF) models are compared: a Plastic Non-Linear Model (PNLM), an Elastic Non-Linear Model (ENLM) and a simple elastic linear model with non-degraded properties of soil (NDLM). The influence of non-linearity and plasticity assumption is studied by evaluating the effects of the kinematic and inertial interaction within soil–pile interaction. Two soil stiffness levels are analysed: very loose and medium dense sand. The seismic response under ten earthquakes is computed in terms of mean envelopes of internal forces along the pile length. The non-linearity and inelastic influence of soil–pile interaction is quantified by means of relative differences with respect to the linear elastic model. Results show that the non-linear and inelastic models acquire relevance when the contribution of the inertial interaction dominates, leading to lower maximum responses than the linear elastic model. If the inertial interaction is not significantly activated, similar results between the three models are obtained, being the linear elastic model enough to reproduce the soil–pile dynamic interaction.
ISSN: 0266-352X
DOI: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2024.106188
Fuente: Computers and Geotechnics [ISSN 0266-352X], v. 168, April 2024, 106188, p. 1-15
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