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Título: Information extraction from electricity invoices through named entity recognition with transformers
Autores/as: Salgado De La Nuez, Agustín 
Sánchez Pérez, Javier 
Clasificación UNESCO: 120304 Inteligencia artificial
Palabras clave: Machine learning
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Named entity recognition
Electricity invoices
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Editor/a: International Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA) Publishing, S. L.
Conferencia: 5th International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI 2023) 
Resumen: This article describes a method for automatically extracting information from electricity invoices. This type of documents contains rich information about the billing of each supply point and data about the customer, the contract, or the electricity company. In this work, we train a neural network to classify the input data among eighty-six different labels. We use the IDSEM dataset that contains 75.000 electricity invoices of the Spanish electricity market in PDF format. Each document is converted into text format and the classification is carried out through a named entity recognition (NER) process. The underlying neural network used in the process is a Transformer. The results demonstrate that the proposed method correctly classifies the majority of the labels with high accuracy. Furthermore, the method exhibits robustness in handling invoices with different layouts and contents, highlighting its versatility and reliability.
ISBN: 978-84-09-48561-1
ISSN: 2938-5350
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27945.77924
Fuente: Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI' 2023), p. 140-145. 7-9 June 2023, Tenerife
Colección:Actas de congresos
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