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Título: Mesozooplankton size structure in the Canary Current System
Autores/as: Couret Huertas, María 
Landeira Sánchez, José María 
Tuset, V. M. 
Sarmiento Lezcano, Airam Nauzet 
Vélez Belchí, Pedro 
Hernández León, Santiago Manuel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 251005 Zoología marina
251001 Oceanografía biológica
Palabras clave: Mesozooplankton
Size spectra
Abundance distribution
Community structure
Canaries-African transition zone
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: Marine Environmental Research 
Resumen: Changes in plankton composition influences the dynamics of marine food webs and carbon sinking rates. Understanding the core structure and function of the plankton distribution is of paramount importance to know their role in trophic transfer and efficiency. Here, we studied the zooplankton distribution, abundance, composition, and size spectra for the characterization of the community under different oceanographic conditions in the Canaries-African Transition Zone (C-ATZ). This region is a transition zone between the coastal upwelling and the open ocean showing a high variability because of the physical, chemical, and biological changes between eutrophic and oligotrophic conditions through the annual cycle. During the late winter bloom (LWB), chlorophyll a and primary production were higher compared to that of the stratified season (SS), especially in the upwelling influenced area. Abundance distribution analysis clustered stations into two main groups according to the season (productive versus stratified season), and one group sampled in the upwelling influenced area. Size-spectra analysis showed steeper slopes during daytime in the SS, suggesting a less structured community and a higher trophic efficiency during the LWB due to the favorable oceanographic conditions. We also observed a significant difference between day and nighttime size spectra due to community change during diel vertical migration. Cladocera were the key taxa differentiating an Upwelling-group, from a LWB- and SS-group. These two latter groups were differentiated by Salpidae and Appendicularia mainly. Data obtained in this study suggested that abundance composition might be useful when describing community taxonomic changes, while size-spectra gives an idea of the ecosystem structure, predatory interactions with higher trophic levels and shifts in size structure.
ISSN: 0141-1136
DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2023.105976
Fuente: Marine Environmental Research [0141-1136], v. 188, 105976, junio 2023
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