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Title: Advanced Technologies for Cetacean Monitoring: A One-Health and Multidisciplinary Approach for Ocean Effective Surveillance
Authors: Neves, Silvana
Doh, Yann
Sacchini, Simona 
Delory, Eric
Fernández Rodríguez, Antonio Jesús 
Castro Alonso, Ayoze 
UNESCO Clasification: 3109 Ciencias veterinarias
Keywords: Cetacean Detections
Ocean Health
Veterinary Science, et al
Issue Date: 2023
Journal: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 
Abstract: Within the MARCET European project and community framework, a Waveglider®™ SV2 vehicle was deployed, equipped with a passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) device, in a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain). The soundscape was continuously recorded from 23 July 2018 until 30 July 2018 and was primarily used for marine mammal sound detection. This study aims to compare these automatically embedded detections from the Waveglider®™ with human expert detections. Furthermore, it provides an assessment of the performance of the automatic detector and discusses the use of this type of technology to monitor wildlife, particularly cetaceans. The MARCET project and this study are only possible due to the multidisciplinary integration of veterinary sciences, ecological, zoological, and biological knowledge and mechanical, communication, and electronics engineering. It represents an excellent example of new technologies, capacities, skills, and cutting-edge knowledge where veterinary science education and training should progressively be involved to contribute to the surveillance and control of ocean health.
ISSN: 2077-1312
DOI: 10.3390/jmse11071431
Source: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering [EISSN 2077-1312], v. 11 (7):1431, (Julio 2023)
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