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Título: Temporal Changes in Clinical Outcomes after Minimally Invasive Surgery for Hallux Valgus Correction in Women without Postoperative Complications
Autores/as: Motta, Luci M.
Manchado, Ignacio
Blanco, Gustavo
Quintana Montesdeoca, María Del Pino 
Garcés, Laura
Garcés Martín, Gerardo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 320108 Ginecología
3213 Cirugía
Palabras clave: Aofas Score
Clinical Outcomes
Hallux Valgus
Mis Correction
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Publicación seriada: Journal of Clinical Medicine 
Resumen: Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is currently used to correct hallux valgus deformities. Most studies reporting on MIS techniques to correct hallux valgus deformities included patients with postoperative complications. These reported complications, with an average rate of 23%, had significant negative effects on the clinical outcomes in this patient population. In the present study, a cohort of 63 women who underwent MIS hallux valgus correction was assessed preoperatively and at a mean follow-up of 1.0, 4.7, and 6.5 years using the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) scale and the Manchester Oxford Foot Questionnaire (MOXFQ). The main criterion for inclusion in this cohort was a lack of complications during the entire follow-up period. The results showed significant improvements in both AOFAS and MOXFQ scores between the preoperative and 1-year follow-up assessments. By contrast, clinically small and nonsignificant changes were observed among postoperative follow-up values. The number of enrolled patients needs to be increased in future studies, with different surgeons and techniques included. Nevertheless, our study findings will inform patients about the outcomes they can expect over the years if no complications occur.
DOI: 10.3390/jcm12134368
Fuente: Journal of Clinical Medicine [EISSN 2077-0383], v. 12 (13), (Julio 2023)
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