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Título: Maternal age, obesity and hyperglycaemia are associated with a delay in preimplantation embryo development in mouse
Autores/as: Lilao Garzón, Joaquín 
Brito Casillas, Yeray 
Quesada Canales, Ildefonso Óscar 
Wägner, Anna Maria Claudia 
Muñoz Descalzo, Silvia 
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3109 Ciencias veterinarias
240901 Embriología
3206 Ciencias de la nutrición
Palabras clave: High fat diet
Metabolic syndrome
Fertility, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Proyectos: Caracterización molecular de la organización tridimensional de células durante la embriogénesis temprana en ratones y humanos 
Análisis de la organización tridimensional de células durante la embriogénesis temprana en ratón y humano 
Programación intrauterina en la diabetes pregestacional: mecanismos epigenéticos 
Watching the risk factors: Artificial intelligence and the prevention of chronic conditions 
Publicación seriada: Reproduction 
Resumen: Delayed maternal age, obesity and diabetes are associated with reduced fertility. We investigated how age and obesity/metabolic syndrome impact fertility and hypothesized that its decrease is due to defects in preimplantation embryo development. Three groups of female C57Bl6 mice (12 weeks, 9 months and 1 year old) were fed either a high fat diet for 8 weeks, to induce obesity and the metabolic syndrome, or a control chow diet. Body weight and composition, glucose tolerance and insulin resistance were assessed. Fecundity was evaluated by mating and pregnancy rates, as well as number of embryos. Embryo quality was assessed morphologically, and cell fate composition was analysed in preimplantation embryos by state-of-the-art single cell quantitative confocal image analysis. The high fat diet was associated with increased adiposity, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance, especially in the older mice. Fecundity was affected by age, more than by the diet. Both age and high fat diet were associated with reduced cell fate allocation, indicating a delay in preimplantation embryo development, and with increased expression of GATA3, an inhibitor of placentation. These results support that age and the metabolic syndrome reduce fertility through mechanisms which are present at conception very early in pregnancy.
ISSN: 1470-1626
DOI: 10.1530/REP-23-0024
Fuente: Reproduction[ISSN 1470-1626],v. 166 (3), p. 235-245, (Septiembre 2023)
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