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Título: Morphological study of the valvular distribution in the long saphenous vein
Autores/as: Ortega, F.
Sarmiento Ramos, Lourdes 
Mompeó Corredera, Blanca Rosa 
Centol, A.
Nicolaides, A.
León, M.
Labropoulus, N.
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
320501 Cardiología
Palabras clave: Long saphenous vein
Valve distribution
Fecha de publicación: 1994
Publicación seriada: Phlebology 
Resumen: Objective: To measure the distribution of valves in the long saphenous vein. Design: Morphological study of the intervalvular distance of the long saphenous vein. Setting: Department of Morfología, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain) and Academic Vascular Surgery Unit, St Mary's Hospital, London, UK. Material: Twenty lower extremities from adult cadavers with no evidence of lower limb venous disease. Methods: Anatomical dissection of the long saphenous vein, with accurate measurement of valve distribution. Results: There were on average 8.7 valves in the long saphenous vein, with 6.3 above the knee and 2.4 below the knee. Conclusion: Contrary to classical anatomical texts on this subject there are more valves in the long saphenous vein in the thigh than in the calf.
ISSN: 0268-3555
DOI: 10.1177/0268355594009002
Fuente: Phlebology [0268-3555], v. 9(2), pp. 59-62 (Junio 1994)
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