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Título: Fecundity strategy of the highly exploited limpet Patella ordinaria from an oceanic archipelago
Autores/as: Reis Vasconcelos, Joana Patricia 
Ferro, J.
Sousa, R.
Pinto, A.R.
Riera Elena, Rodrigo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3105 Peces y fauna silvestre
310411 Reproducción
310510 Dinámica de las poblaciones
Palabras clave: Patella ordinaria
Assessment and management
North-eastern Atlantic
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Proyectos: “Metacommunity dynamics of complex life cycle species in exploited ecosystems” [grant number EXPL/MAT-APL/0262/2021]
Publicación seriada: Regional Studies in Marine Science 
Resumen: Limpet harvesting dates to the 15 century in Madeira archipelago (NE Atlantic Ocean). This activity is size-selective, removing older and larger individuals with greater commercial value. It can lead to a lower reproductive output as individual fecundity is size-dependent. The decrease of limpet populations has led to the implementation of a series of management measures including a closed season during the reproductive season (November–March). So far, sizes and the reproductive parameters, size and age at first maturity, have been previously used to determine the exploitation status of Patella ordinaria in Madeira archipelago, with no study performed on the reproductive strategy of this limpet. This is pivotal to comprehend the population dynamics of any species, being fecundity one of the reproduction parameters that should be analysed. This work aims to provide for the first time data on the fecundity of P. ordinaria. An average of 17 females per month were randomly collected over the spawning 2021/2022 season from the subtidal rocky shores of the Madeira archipelago. Four criteria were analysed over the spawning season: (i) the presence of a hiatus between pre- and vitellogenic oocytes; (ii) the number and (iii) mean size of advanced vitellogenic oocytes; and (iv) the incidence of atresia. A hiatus between pre- and vitellogenic oocytes across the spawning season was observed. An increasing trend in the number of vitellogenic oocytes was observed over the spawning season. The size of vitellogenic oocytes showed significant differences among months and the relative intensity of atresia varied from 7.86 to 20.79%. The information on the fecundity strategy leads to a better understanding of the reproductive capacity of this species. It also identifies the best approach for future estimations of relative annual fecundity estimations, with direct implications on the sustainable exploitation of this commercial species.
ISSN: 2352-4855
DOI: 10.1016/j.rsma.2023.102849
Fuente: Regional Studies in Marine Science [ISSN 2352-4855], v. 60, 102849, (Junio 2023)
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