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Título: Hot-Corrosion and Particle Erosion Resistance of Co-Based Brazed Alloy Coatings
Autores/as: Utu, ID
Hulka, Iosif 
Kazamer, N
Constantin, AT
Marginean, G
Clasificación UNESCO: 330307 Tecnología de la corrosión
Palabras clave: co-based alloys
hot corrosion
solid particle erosion
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Publicación seriada: Crystals 
Resumen: Tape brazing constitutes a cost-effective alternative surface protection technology for complex-shaped surfaces. The study explores the characteristics of high-temperature brazed coatings using a cobalt-based powder deposited on a stainless-steel substrate in order to protect parts subjected to hot temperatures in a wear-exposed environment. Microstructural imaging corroborated with x-ray diffraction analysis showed a complex phased structure consisting of intermetallic Cr-Ni, C-Co-W Laves type, and chromium carbide phases. The surface properties of the coatings, targeting hot corrosion behavior, erosion, wear resistance, and microhardness, were evaluated. The high-temperature corrosion test was performed for 100 h at 750◦C in a salt mixture consisting of 25 wt.% NaCl + 75 wt.% Na2SO4 . The degree of corrosion attack was closely connected with the exposure temperature, and the degradation of the material corresponding to the mechanisms of low-temperature hot corrosion. The erosion tests were carried out using alumina particles at a 90◦ impingement angle. The results, correlated with the microhardness measurements, have shown that Co-based coatings exhibited approximately 40% lower material loss compared to that of the steel substrate.
ISSN: 2073-4352
DOI: 10.3390/cryst12060762
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