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Título: Aphthonii Rhetoris Προγυμνάσματα in tabellas redacta et exemplis singulis illustrata de Matthaeus Bader: Un resumen de los Progymnasmata de Aftonio
Autores/as: García de Paso Carrasco, María Dolores 
Clasificación UNESCO: 5705 Lingüística sincrónica
570512 Estilística (estilo y retórica)
Palabras clave: Matthaeus Bader
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Publicación seriada: Euphrosyne 
Resumen: Aphthonii Rhetoris Προγυμνάσματα in tabellas redacta et exemplis singulis illustrata a Matthaeo Badero is included in a volume which was published in Frankfurt in 1593, together with two other summaries: a compendium of Melanchthon’s rhetoric with observa-tions of Crusius and a summary of the Copia of Erasmus. Bader’s Progymnasmata in tabellas redacta takes references, examples and many definitions of Lorich’s work, but is not exact copy, e.g. in the narratio he incorporates Hermogenes and equates thesis and locus communis. To the examples Bader reproduces texts of Gelius and Orosius and recommends other texts of classic Latin authors such as Cicero and Liuius, humanists like Mosellanus, Lorichius and Stephanus Niger, and Greek authors such as Plutarch.
ISSN: 0870-0133
DOI: 10.1484/J.EUPHR.5.125278
Fuente: Euphrosyne [ISSN 0870-0133], v. 46, p. 379-391, (Enero 2018)
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