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Título: The infinite distance in the determination of the nearest Euclidean M-neighbours in the K-D-B tree
Autores/as: Santana, Octavio 
Rodríguez, Gustavo 
Diaz, M.
Plácido Castro, Ana María 
Clasificación UNESCO: 120317 Informática
12 Matemáticas
Palabras clave: Euclidean distance
Infinite distance
K-D-B tree structure
Nearest euclidean M-neighbors
Search problem
Fecha de publicación: 1989
Editor/a: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 
Conferencia: [Proceedings 1989] IEEE International Workshop on Tools for Artificial Intelligence
Resumen: A search scheme of the nearest m-neighbors in the K-D-B tree structure is proposed. In this scheme, two different strategies for the selection of alternative descent branches, which determine the order in which the criticism of the pruning tree is studied, are devised. An experimental study of this was performed using the infinite distance and Euclidean distance. The low cost of the infinite distance approach with respect to the Euclidean and the inclusion relation that exists between hyperspheres of equal radius are conducive to the study of the search problem of the Euclidean m-neighbors using the infinite distance as filter.
ISBN: 978-0-8186-1984-7
DOI: 10.1109/TAI.1989.65314
Fuente: IEEE International Workshop on Tools for Artificial Intelligence: Architectures, Languages and Algorithms, pp. 146 - 152 (1989)
Colección:Actas de congresos
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