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Título: Social perception of tourism: quantitative studies based on public opinion surveys in spanish destinations
Otros títulos: Percepción social del turismo: estudios cuantitativos basados en encuestas de opinión pública en destinos españoles
Autores/as: Moreira Gregori, Pedro Ernesto 
Vargas Sánchez, Alfonso
Clasificación UNESCO: 531290 Economía sectorial: turismo
Palabras clave: Tourism
Spain, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Publicación seriada: Journal Of Tourism And Heritage Research 
Resumen: Studies on the social perception of tourism are extremely diverse and often with contradictory results and conclusions. Considering the Spanish destinations on which there are publications in this regard (destinations located in Andalusia, the Canary Islands,the Balearic Islands, Catalonia and the Valencian Community), we have selected a qualitative sample that represents them, looking for similarities and differences in their theoretical approaches. To this end, various aspects of residents' opinions regarding the positive and negative impacts of tourism are assessed. Not with the aim of obtaining a universal model, since we not only consider it unfeasible, but also it would not be desirable to arbitrarily standardize so much diversity and complexity, but with the aim of making a theoretical-methodological contribution that, although not exhaustive, can be useful in this field of study for both researchers and tourism managers.
ISSN: 2659-3580
Fuente: Journal Of Tourism And Heritage Research [ISSN 2659-3580], v. 5(2), p. 265-288
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