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Título: La incidencia de la pandemia en el cumplimiento de los derechos digitales de los trabajadores
Autores/as: Montesdeoca Suárez, Arturo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 560507 Derecho público
6306 Sociología del trabajo
Palabras clave: New technologies
Digital rights
Fundamental rights
Remote work
Working time
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Editor/a: Universitat Rovira i Virgili 
Resumen: The present work aims to analyze in the current context of digitization of labor relations the incidence of new technologies on the fundamental rights of workers. Focusing the object of study in a context of pre and post confinement analyzed in this sense the incidence of the implementation of telework as a result of the COVID19 crisis. Therefore, the difficulties that teleworking poses for the fulfillment of digital rights will become evident, taking as a reference the analysis of the current legal framework as an umbrella of protection for workers.
ISBN: 978-84-8474-960-3
Fuente: Managing the future: Challenges and proposals for post-pandemic society / edited by Teresa Torres-Coronas, Josep Moreno-Gené, Ángel Belzunegui-Eraso, p. 133-150
Colección:Capítulo de libro
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