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Título: Factorial structure and reliability of a battery of questionnaires of learning and motivational strategies in university students
Otros títulos: Estructura factorial y fiabilidad de una batería de cuestionarios de estrategias de aprendizaje y motivacionales en universitarios
Autores/as: Felipe-Afonso, MI
Garcia, LAG
Castro Sánchez, José Juan 
Palabras clave: Questionnaires
Factor analysis
Learning strategies
Higher education
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Publicación seriada: Bordon 
Resumen: INTRODUCTION. This work has been developed from the analysis of the factorial structure and internal consistency of the HERGAR questionnaire battery. These instruments were created in the 1990s using the most common psychometric criteria at that time. Currently, thanks to the methodological advance applied to the Social Sciences, it is possible to increase the level of psychometric demand. Our main objective is to analyze the reliability and factorial structure using the most recent recommendations. METHOD. This study has been carried out with 1.390 students taking the 3rd year of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. The instruments analyzed were: Cognitive Learning Strategies, Study Control Strategies, Habits and Motivational Strategies for Study and Differential Motives in Study and Learning. An exploratory factor analysis was performed with the KMO indicators and Bartlett's test of sphericity, maximum likelihood and oblique rotation. Subsequently, the internal consistency of the factors and the tests were found through Cronbach's alpha coefficient. RESULTS. For the ECA questionnaire: 9 factors were obtained, whereas for the ECE test: 3 factors were given, for the MODA instrument 8 factors were obtained and finally, 11 factors were obtained for the HEME questionnaire. The reliability achieved for each test was: RCT = .900; ECE = .851; MODA = .832 and HEME = .884. DISCUSSION. Differences have been found in the current factorial compared to the initial factorial analysis and high reliability coefficients with more rigorous psychometric criteria and adjusted to the current methodological foundations. This improvement will allow to continue applying these tests to the university sample, with an optimal statistical requirement. The modifications found in the factorial structures invite us to reflect on the possible influence of the changes in the academic plans and by the current characteristics of the university sample.
ISSN: 0210-5934
DOI: 10.13042/Bordon.2021.89983
Fuente: Bordon [ISSN 0210-5934], v. 73(3), p. 45-61
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