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Título: Opuntia Fiber and Its Potential to Obtain Sustainable Materials in the Composites Field: A Review
Autores/as: Castellano Vera, Jesica 
Marrero Alemán, María Dolores 
Ortega Medina, Zaida Cristina 
Clasificación UNESCO: 331005 Ingeniería de procesos
331209 Resistencia de materiales
Palabras clave: Opuntia spp
Vegetal fibers
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Publicación seriada: Journal of Natural Fibers 
Resumen: Opuntia spp. is a plant widely distributed in the world that has traditionally been used in the food sector. Alternatively to the conventional uses of this plant, this work gives an overview of current knowledge about Opuntia fiber, focusing on several papers which have reinforced polymer matrices with this species. Opuntia cladodes are formed by a network of fibers with a hexagonal reticular hierarchical structure, which is believed to be responsible for their mechanical properties. Opuntia fiber has a cellulose content about 50% and a density (1.54 g/cm3) similar to conventional fibers such as abaca (1.5 g/cm3), jute (1.3 g/cm3) and sisal (1.5 g/cm3). Matrices such as polylactic acid (PLA) and polypropylene (PP) have been reinforced with Opuntia fibers and with ground cladodes, mainly by compression molding, increasing the tensile elastic modulus up to 135%. Opuntia fibers also offer good properties against energy absorption, being adequate for the design of lightweight materials with these characteristics. Further studies should be undertaken in order to establish the appropriate parameters to optimize fiber extraction, improve fiber-matrix compatibility and determine a general trend despite the plant own variability.
仙人掌是一种广泛分布于世界各地的植物, 传统上用于食品部门. 除了这种植物的常规用途之外, 这项工作概述了目前关于仙人掌纤维的知识, 重点介绍了几篇用仙人掌纤维增强聚合物基体的论文. 仙人掌枝状体由具有六角形网状层次结构的纤维网络构成, 这被认为是其机械性能的原因. 仙人掌纤维的纤维素含量约为50%, 密度 (1.54 g/cm3) 类似于传统纤维, 如阿巴卡 (1.5 g/cm3)、黄麻 (1.3 g/cm3) 和剑麻 (1.5 g/cm3). 聚乳酸 (PLA) 和聚丙烯 (PP) 等基质主要通过模压成型, 使用仙人掌纤维和研磨枝状物进行增强, 拉伸弹性模量提高到135%. 仙人掌纤维还具有良好的抗能量吸收性能, 适合设计具有这些特性的轻质材料. 应进行进一步研究, 以确定适当的参数, 优化纤维提取, 改善纤维基质相容性, 并确定总体趋势, 尽管植物自身存在变异.
ISSN: 1544-0478
DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2021.1993479
Fuente: Journal of Natural Fibers [ISSN 1544-0478], 31 octubre 2021
Colección:Artículo preliminar
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