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Título: Historical social relevance of ecosystem services related to long term land uses in a coastal arid aeolian sedimentary system in Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain)
Autores/as: Marrero Rodríguez, Néstor 
Peña-Alonso, Carolina 
García-Romero, Leví 
Sánchez García, María José 
Pérez-Chacón Espino, Emma 
Clasificación UNESCO: 2511 Ciencias del suelo (Edafología)
5403 Geografía humana
Palabras clave: Social relevance
Land use change
Ecosystem services
Historical information sources
Anthropic impacts
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Proyectos: Análisis de Procesos Naturales y Humanos Asociados A Los Sistemas Playa-Duna de Canarias 
Planificación Conjunta, Seguimiento y Observación, Mejora del Conocimiento y Sensibilización Ante Riesgos y Amezas del Cambio Climatico en la Macaronesia 
Publicación seriada: Ocean and Coastal Management 
Resumen: The loss of ecosystem services (ESs) is one of the main consequences of the inadequate management of natural environments. However, the drivers that shape the provision of ESs continue to be poorly characterized at local and regional scales, and their protection, generally, has not been a priority. This study analyzes the anthropic alteration process of an arid aeolian sedimentary system, the associated environmental consequences and changes in the social relevance of ESs for the local population. The social relevance of an ES was analyzed using historical sources (analysis of testimonies of travelers, press, government minutes, aerial photographs, field photographs and oral interviews, among others) for five land uses: urbanization, aggregate extraction, grazing, cultivation and logging. Using the available information, three criteria were selected to define their social rele-vance: social sensitivity, economic and political. Considering El Jable (Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain) as study area, the main results show that different historical land uses have generated different social reactions in relation to changes in the capacity of the ecosystem to provide its ESs. The ESs that directly benefitted the population (provision of food, fuel and raw materials, and the regulation of natural hazards) were found to have the greatest social relevance before 1960. However, since then, the change to the island’s economic model has resulted in high levels of social relevance for ESs related to the promotion of tourism (cultural heritage, recreation and leisure, and aesthetic values), citizen security (regulation of natural hazards), wildlife (habitat preservation) and culture (cultural heritage). This type of analysis can provide information on the perception of society to changes in the local environment, the effects of such changes on people’s lives, and the management response of the society in question.
ISSN: 0964-5691
DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2021.105715
Fuente: Ocean & Coastal Management [ISSN 0964-5691], v. 210 (105715), (Septiembre 2021)
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