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Título: The Influence of the physical work environment on employee performance: a study of crowding perception in open-plan offices in Iran
Autores/as: Sharifiatashgah, Maryamsadat 
Director/a : Zoghbi Manrique Lara, Pablo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531104 Organización de recursos humanos
Palabras clave: Entorno laboral
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Resumen: In this thesis tries to expand the knowledge about physical work environment and its effect of employees’ behavior and its intention is covering some of the existing gaps in the literature. Thus, starting from the previous research, we build bridges for its integration with other related topics, such as the cyberloafing, DWBs, OCBs, crowding perception, and so on. Following this objective, we undertook four works that make up the structure of the thesis and we present below. These chapters are based on an analysis of data obtained through 330 questionnaires that were distributed personally among employees of four IT-based companies ranging in size from big to medium, one of them a leading company in the IT sector in Tehran (Iran).
Descripción: Programa de Doctorado en Turismo, Economía y Gestión por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Facultad: Facultad de Economía, Empresa y Turismo
Colección:Tesis doctoral
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