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Title: Development of a new spatial analysis tool in mental health: Identification of highly autocorrelated areas (hot-spots) of schizophrenia using a Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm model (MOEA/HS)
Authors: García-Alonso, Carlos R.
Salvador-Carulla, Luis
Negrín Hernández, Miguel Ángel 
Moreno-Kuestner, Berta
UNESCO Clasification: 3314 Tecnología médica
Keywords: Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms
Spatial Analysis
Health Care
Issue Date: 2010
Journal: Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale 
Abstract: Aims - This study had two objectives: 1) to design and develop a computer-based tool, called Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm/Hot-Spots (MOEA/HS), to identify and geographically locate highly autocorrelated zones or hot-spots and which merges different methods, and 2) to carry out a demonstration study in a geographical area where previous information about the distribution of schizophrenia prevalence is available and which can therefore be compared. Methods - Local Indicators of Spatial Aggregation (LISA) models as well as the Bayesian Conditional Autoregressive Model (CAR) were used as objectives in a multicriteria framework when highly autocorrelated zones (hot-spots) need to be identified and geographically located. A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) model was designed and used to identify highly autocorrelated areas of the prevalence of schizophrenia in Andalusia. Hot-spots were statistically identified using exponential-based QQ-Plots (statistics of extremes). Results - Efficient solutions (Pareto set) from MOEA/HS were analysed statistically and one main hot-spot was identified and spatially located. Our model can be used to identify and locate geographical hot-spots of schizophrenia prevalence in a large and complicated region. Conclusions - MOEA/FIS enables a compromise to be achieved between different econometric methods by highlighting very special zones in complex areas where schizophrenia shows a high autocorrelation.
ISSN: 1121-189X
DOI: 10.1017/S1121189X00000646
Source: Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale [ISSN 1121-189X], v. 19 (4), p. 302-313, (Octubre-Diciembre 2010)
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