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Título: A new model of thermionic emission mechanism for non-ideal Schottky contacts and a method of extracting electrical parameters
Autores/as: Helal, Hicham
Benamara, Zineb
González Pérez, Benito 
Kacha, Arslane Hatem
Rabehi, Abdelaziz
Wederni, M. A.
Mourad, Sabrine
Khirouni, Kamel
Monier, Guillaume
Robert-Goumet, Christine
Clasificación UNESCO: 2203 Electrónica
Palabras clave: thermionic emissions
Au/n-GaAs Schottky
Metal–semiconductor Schottky
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Publicación seriada: European Physical Journal Plus
Resumen: In this paper, a new model of thermionic emission current for non-ideal Schottky contacts and a method of extracting electrical parameters are presented. The Au/n-GaAs Schottky structure is fabricated and simulated using Silvaco–Atlas software in a wide temperature range. The proposed method shows series resistance Rs values close to those obtained from ln(I)–V method and ideality factor n in good agreement with the reported experimental studies. The barrier height ϕb extracted by our method is in good agreement with those extracted from the band diagram (BD) and capacitance–voltage (C–V) characteristics. It is increased with decreasing temperature, in accordance with the band gap variation with temperature and the reported negative temperature coefficient of the barrier height. Conversely, ϕb obtained from the classical model using ln(I)–V method shows an abnormal behavior and discordance with the ϕb extracted from the band diagram and C–V characteristics. Finally, the proposed model shows identical characteristics with the simulation and the experimental curves, in all temperature range, while the classic model shows large deviations at high bias voltages.
DOI: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-020-00916-5
Fuente: European Physical Journal Plus[EISSN 2190-5444],v. 135 (11), (Noviembre 2020)
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