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Title: Study of the viability of aquaculture on the coast of El Jadida in Morocco
Authors: Arenas Ruiz, Rocío
Director: Torres Padrón, María Esther 
Vila De Miguel, Francisco A
UNESCO Clasification: 251092 Acuicultura marina
Keywords: Water quality
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: The present work is about a study on the coast of El Jadida in Morocco in the viability of carrying out aquaculture offshore. The various physical and chemical parameter have been analysed to determine the quality of the water and the sediment present in different sampling stations of the selective area. Based on a bibliographic analysis on the tolerances of potential marine species in the study area, it has been concluded that the development of aquaculture in the province of El Jadida is possible, regardless of whether there are areas where some species grow better than others.
Department: Departamento de Química
Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias del Mar
Degree: Grado en Ciencias del Mar
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