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Title: Long Term trend in surface temperature in the Canary Islands from in situ observations
Authors: Gutiérrez Guerra, Miguel Ángel 
Director: Pérez Hernández, María Dolores 
Vélez Belchí, Pedro 
UNESCO Clasification: 251007 Oceanografía física
251008 Interacciones mar-aire
Keywords: Sea Surface Temperature
Remote sensing
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data from remote sensing (AVHRR /NOAA) between 1999 and 2019 show a warming trend of 0.28ºC per decade in the oceanic waters of the Canary Currents Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME) and a cooling of 0. 05ºC per decade in the strongest upwelling cells in the CCLME. However, there are only a few insitu long term observations in the CCLME to validate these observed trends. Here we use a set of in-situ data provided by four buoys located between Gran Canaria and Tenerife islands from the “Puertos del Estado” network and surface data from the long-term observations program of the Spanish Oceanographic institute, RaProCan (Radial Profunda de Canarias), to validate de satellite observations in the oceanic and upwelling waters.The comparisons permitted to determine the uncertainty of the observed trends in the oceanic waters of the CCLME and, based on that, estimate the uncertainty in trends of the Eastern Boundary Upwelling System obtained from SST.
Department: Departamento de Física
Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias del Mar
Degree: Grado en Ciencias del Mar
Appears in Collections:Trabajo final de grado
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