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Title: The Canary deep poleward undercurrent
Authors: Romero García, Eusebio
Director: Hernández Guerra, Alonso 
Vélez Belchí,Pedro 
UNESCO Clasification: 251007 Oceanografía física
Keywords: Canary current
Issue Date: 2016
Project: RAPROCAN (Instituto Español de Oceanografía)
Variabilidad Estacional de la Amoc: la Corriente de Canarias 
Abstract: Poleward undercurre Canary Current Eastern Boundary upwelling System (CanCEBS), the Canary deep Poleward Undercurrent (CdPU) has not been properly characterized. In this study, we use trajectories of Argo floats and model simulations to properly characterize the CdPU, including its seasonal and interannual variability, and the drivints are well known features in Eastern Boundary systems. In the California Current Eastern Boundary upwelling System (CalCEBS) the California poleward Undercurrent (CalUC) has been widely reported, and it has been demonstrated that it transports nutrients from the Pacific Equatorial Water (PEW) to the northern limit of the subtropical gyre. However, in theng mechanism. The Argo observations show that the CdPU flows from 26ºN, near cape Bojador, to approximately 44ºN, near cape Finisterre in the northwest Spanish’s coast. The CdPU flows deeper than the CalUC, although its mean changes slightly with latitude, from 400 m at 23ºN to 800m at 43ºN. The CdPU shows a marked seasonal variability, with it maximum strength in fall, and the minimum in spring.
Department: Departamento de Física
Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias del Mar
Degree: Grado en Ciencias del Mar
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