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Title: Web Spider Defense Technique in Wireless Sensor Networks
Authors: Canovas, Alejandro
Lloret, Jaime
Macias-López, Elsa 
Suárez Sarmiento, Álvaro 
UNESCO Clasification: 3325 Tecnología de las telecomunicaciones
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks
Web Spider Security
Issue Date: 2014
Journal: International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 
Abstract: Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are currently widely used in many environments. Some of them gather many critical data, which should be protected from intruders. Generally, when an intruder is detected in the WSN, its connection is immediately stopped. But this way does not let the network administrator gather information about the attacker and/or its purposes. In this paper, we present a bioinspired system that uses the procedure taken by the web spider when it wants to catch its prey. We will explain how all steps performed by the web spider are included in our system and we will detail the algorithm and protocol procedure. A real test bench has been implemented in order to validate our system. It shows the performance for different response times, the CPU and RAM consumption, and the average and maximum values for ping and tracert time responses using constant delay and exponential jitter.
ISSN: 1550-1329
DOI: 10.1155/2014/348606
Source: International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks [ISSN 1550-1329], v. 2014, Article ID 348606, (Enero 2014)
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