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Title: A frontier-based hierarchical clustering for airport benchmarking
Authors: Rodríguez Déniz, Héctor
Voltes-Dorta, Augusto 
UNESCO Clasification: 531212 Transportes y comunicaciones
Keywords: Us Airports
Hierarchical Clustering
Variable Weighting
Airport Benchmarking
Issue Date: 2010
Conference: 15th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies 
Abstract: Clustering airports is a necessary step for the proper identification of efficiency benchmarks. This paper introduces a cost frontier-based hierarchical clustering procedure, which is intended to represent an improvement over the very broad, unidimensional airport typologies usually found in benchmarking studies. Starting from the cost function parameters estimated in a previous study, a cross-section of worldwide airports is clustered according to the relevant outputs and input prices, with the cost elasticities and factor shares serving as optimal variable weights. The resulting hierarchical classification is used to identify the efficiency benchmarks.
ISBN: 978-988-98847-8-9
Source: Transportation and urban sustainability : proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS) / edited by Agachai Sumalee [and others], p. 695-702, (2010)
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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